Audience profiling

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Audience profiling by Mind Map: Audience profiling

1. Age

1.1. We've chosen the age range 16-24 because we feel they're best suited to this as many people our year enjoy these movies.

1.2. The older generation may not enjoy them as they have become increasingly more technical and realistic, rather than in the older days, and they may find them more scary.

1.3. Younger kids may feel like they are to scary and are usually associated to having nightmares.

2. Demographic

2.1. Band D/E - As this movie would be made by an independent company and we are students as well who know the cost of movies is quite a lot so we would look for the same type of cost.

3. Psychographic

3.1. Explorer - Horror movies are usually made to give a thrill to the audience as they are seeking new pleasures and trying to test their limits on how far they can push their mental strength


4.1. Outdoor activities

4.2. Theme parks

4.3. Going out

4.4. Being on edge

5. Dislikes

5.1. Romcom movies

5.2. Music lacking energy

5.3. Anything lacking vitality