Stanquita's Self Portrait

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Stanquita's Self Portrait by Mind Map: Stanquita's Self Portrait

1. Building Excellence

1.1. Sociological

1.2. Large group settings

2. Successful Intelligence

2.1. Practical Thinking Skills

2.2. Find a way around any obstacle

3. Multiple Intelligence

3.1. Musical Rhythmical

3.1.1. Environmemtal

3.1.2. Sound

3.1.3. Lighting

3.2. Interpersonal

4. Personal Spectrum(Lower)

4.1. Adventurer

4.2. Thinker

5. Emotional Intelligence

5.1. Make decisions based on positivity

5.1.1. Interest

5.1.2. Mathematical Problems

5.1.3. Natural Hbitat

5.2. Recognize how others feel

6. Personal Spectrum(Higher)

6.1. Giver

6.1.1. O*Net my next move

6.1.2. Helping and being of service to other people

6.2. Organizer

6.2.1. Preferred Studying

6.2.2. Note Taking