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INPUT by Mind Map: INPUT

1. Scanners and readers devices

1.1. optical scanners

1.2. optical readers

1.2.1. optical character recognition optical (OCR)

1.2.2. optical mark recognition optical (OMR)

1.3. barcode readers

1.4. RFID readers

1.4.1. magnetic stripe card readers

1.4.2. MICR readers

1.5. Data collection devices

2. Video Input

2.1. wed cam

2.2. video conferencing

3. Voice Input

3.1. Audio Inter

3.1.1. VOIP,voice recognnition

4. Digital comers

4.1. digital camera photo qurlity

5. Game controller

5.1. game pad

5.2. joysticks and wheels

5.3. dane pads

5.4. Motion-sensing game controllers

5.5. light guns

5.6. other game controllers

5.6.1. balance board

6. key board

6.1. keyboard Ergonomics

6.2. keyboard for mobile computer and mobile devices

7. Pointing Devices

7.1. mouse

7.2. other pointing devices

7.2.1. trackball

7.2.2. touchpad

7.2.3. pontins stick

7.3. touch screen and touch-sensitive pade

7.3.1. touch-sensitive pads

8. New node

8.1. other input for smart phones

8.2. digital pan

8.3. stylus

8.4. grapphics tablet

9. Biometric input

9.1. fingerprint readers

10. Terminals

10.1. point-of-terminal

10.1.1. POS termial

10.2. Automated teller machines (ATM)

10.3. DVD kiosks

11. Putting it all together

12. Input devices for physically challenged users

12.1. Americans with disabilities Act (ADA)