What do we know: facts about ice

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What do we know: facts about ice by Mind Map: What do we know: facts about ice

1. Ice melts and freezes at 0 degrees Celsius(32 Farenheit)

2. 90% of the Earth's ice is found in Antartica

3. Ice is an important component of the global climate

4. Ice plays an important role in the water cycle.

5. Ice is the solid state of water

6. Ice (solid) gains heat and melts into water (liquid)

7. Water (liquid) loses heat and freezes into ice (solid)

8. Global warming causes ice caps to melt, creating floods in some parts of the world

9. Benefits of ice

9.1. Aids in numbing injuries so one will feel less pain

9.2. Makes our drinks cold and refreshing

10. Disadvantages of ice

10.1. melting of ice caps causes sea level to rise and causes floods in some country