Video Game Inquiry

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Video Game Inquiry by Mind Map: Video Game Inquiry

1. Advantages of Video Games

1.1. Help boost memory

1.2. Help with hand eye coordination

1.3. Helps decision making

1.4. Make friends a like yourself

1.5. Improvements in attention and vigilance

2. Brain-Computer Interface

3. Concerns about Video Games

3.1. Violence becomes habits

3.2. Damaging to mental health

3.3. Time consuming

3.4. Addictiong

3.5. Disconnected from World

3.6. Bad habits- Violence,Misbehavior

4. The Buisness of Video Games

4.1. Membership deals

4.2. More visuals

4.3. Competitive industry

4.4. Express creativity

4.5. Challenge your creativity

4.6. enjoy your job

4.6.1. Creating revolutionary softwares

5. Where is the EQUITY

5.1. Stereotypes (gender wise)

5.2. Diverse Representations

5.3. Inappropriate use of gender

5.4. LGBTQ

5.5. Religion offending

6. Understanding the rating system

6.1. Knowing how to rate video games

6.2. Know which rating to select

6.3. Suggestive themes?

6.4. shouldn't release pending ratins

6.4.1. Maybe inappropriate smaller children

6.5. Guide lines based by society

7. The evolution of video games

7.1. Players as creators

7.2. Virtual and augmented reality

7.3. Real life simulators

7.4. Secondary Screens for Gaming

7.4.1. WiiU

7.4.2. DS-Nintendo (variety of models)

7.5. Augmented Reality (AR)

7.5.1. DroidShooting

7.5.2. Wikitude

8. Different Programing

8.1. PHP

8.2. JavaScript

8.3. Python

8.4. Ruby

8.5. SQL

9. Coding

9.1. codecademy

9.2. HTML

9.3. XML

9.4. VBScript

9.5. PHP

9.6. Javascript