Texas Explorers Flow Map

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Texas Explorers Flow Map by Mind Map: Texas Explorers Flow Map

1. Who: Coronado

1.1. What:Explored Texas

1.2. Where: He went to Texas.

1.3. When: He set out in 1540 with a large group

1.4. Why: To find the 7 cities of gold, Cibola.

2. Who: Alonzo Alvarez de Pineda

2.1. What: He explored Texas and some other states.

2.1.1. Where: Texas

2.1.2. Why: To claim land for Spain.

2.2. When: 1519

3. Who: Jaun de Onate

3.1. What: explored Texas.

3.2. When: 1596

3.3. Where: Texas

3.4. Why: To make a settlement and hopefully find gold.

4. Who:Cabeza de Vaca

4.1. What: Came to Texas

4.1.1. Where:He went to Texas. When:Got to Texas  in 1532 Why: To find gold

5. Who: Sieur de La Salle  (Rene Robert Cavelier)

5.1. What: Explored Texas

5.2. When: 1682

5.2.1. Where: He went to Texas.

5.3. Why: To claim land for France.