1. OtherActivities
1.1. Sports
1.1.1. Football
1.1.2. Basketball
1.1.3. Tennis
1.2. Drama
1.2.1. Plays
1.2.2. Musical
1.3. Music
1.3.1. Band
1.3.2. Orchestra
2. Areas inside School
2.1. Library
2.1.1. Books
2.1.2. Computers
2.2. Cafeteria
2.2.1. Mediocre Food
2.2.2. Conversations
2.2.3. Flipping Water Bottles
2.3. Classroom
2.3.1. Learning
2.3.2. Knowledge
2.3.3. Teachers and Classmates
3. Importance of School
3.1. Learning
3.1.1. Knowledge
3.1.2. Information
3.1.3. Skills
3.2. Social Skills
3.2.1. Make Friends
3.2.2. Communication
3.2.3. Be Alone ;_;
4. Classes
4.1. Math
4.1.1. Algebra
4.1.2. Geometry
4.2. ELA
4.2.1. Literature
4.2.2. Writing
4.3. Science
4.3.1. Experiments
4.3.2. Chemicals
4.3.3. Biology
5. Social
5.1. Friends
5.1.1. Good Friends
5.1.2. Ok Friends
5.2. Classmates
5.2.1. Friendly Classmates
5.2.2. Not as Friendly Classmates
6. Cons of School
6.1. Work
6.1.1. Homework
6.1.2. Tests
6.1.3. Projects
6.2. Effects
6.2.1. Stress
6.2.2. Pressure
6.2.3. Anger
6.2.4. Sadness
6.2.5. Mild Depression
6.2.6. Tiredness
6.3. Time
6.3.1. School Start Times
6.3.2. Length of Classes
6.3.3. School and After-School Activities Times