Early Childhood Education Programs

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Early Childhood Education Programs by Mind Map: Early Childhood Education Programs

1. Ideal School

1.1. Philosophy: To the guide the children's learning through Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligences.

1.2. Teaching Style: Incorporating the different intelligences into each lesson.

1.3. Strengths: Works with each students different abilities and lessons are modified for intelligences.

1.4. Weaknesses: It could be very hard integrating each Multiple Intelligence into the lessons.

1.5. Personal Opinion: I really enjoyed visiting the Ideal School. They had beautiful paintings on the wall and a great, friendly staff.

2. Head Start

2.1. Philosophy: Promoting school readiness in children under the age of 5 for low income families.

2.2. Teaching Style: Regular classroom attributes with core curriculum. Individualized learning is encouraged.

2.3. Strengths: Children have a safe place to learn, prepare children for kindergarten, helps many families come together, and enforces parental involvement.

2.4. Weaknesses: Some children could need more extensive help than what Head Start can provide. Such as learning disabilities that can affect school readiness.

2.5. Personal Opinion: I believe Head Start plays an extremely important role in society. There are many low-income families that cannot afford education-so having a place for them to bring their children is truly a blessing. They also help struggling pregnant woman.

3. Miracle House

3.1. Philosophy: A safe place for new mothers to go to encourage them away from abortion. Provides a Christ First outlook to help struggling parents.

3.2. Teaching Style: Baby classes are provided for both the mother and father. They earn prizes through attending these parenting classes.

3.3. Strengths: Prevents abortions, helps struggling parents with the concept of having a child, provides counseling, free STD testing, and a point system where they earn baby supplies.

3.4. Weaknesses: The organization is privately owned- meaning the government provides no support to these institutions.

3.5. Personal Opinion: I believe the Miracle House is a spectacular thing. So many young parents need help and guidance and cannot get it at home or from their families.

4. Montessori School

4.1. Philosophy: Student guides own learning with little to no help from a teacher.

4.2. Teaching Style: Teachers are meant to be a role model to the children. The teachers are there to help the students when needed and to set up an developmentally appropriate classroom for their students.

4.3. Strengths: Children become independent, they have their own freedom with their learning, and creates a hands-on learning environment.

4.4. Weaknesses: Does not accommodate to children with disabilities as well, children could fall behind in their education, and there could be not enough social interaction among other students because of how much independence is implemented.

4.5. Personal Opinion: I personally would not want to attend an Montessori school because I believe teacher interaction with the students is crucial in learning. I believe they should not just be bystanders but actively involved in the education of the children.