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computer by Mind Map: computer

1. Type of computer

1.1. supercomputer

1.2. mainframe computer

1.3. minicomputer

1.4. microcomputer and personal computer

1.5. notebook or laptop

2. The components of a computer

2.1. Input device

2.2. Output device

2.3. System unit

2.4. Storage device

2.5. Communications device

3. Computer applications in society

3.1. Government

3.2. The airline

3.3. Educational

3.4. Business importing and exporting.

3.5. Bank

3.6. Science and medicine.

3.7. Architect

3.8. Animated cartoon films

3.9. Statistical

3.10. Recreational

4. Advantages and disadvantages of using computers

4.1. Storage

4.2. Self Acting

4.3. Speed

4.4. Sure

4.5. Electronic machine

5. Networks and the lnternet

5.1. Communicate

5.2. Research and access lnformation

5.3. Shop

5.4. Bank and invest

5.5. Online trading

5.6. Entertainment

5.7. Download music

5.8. Share videos

5.9. Wed application

6. Components of the computer.

6.1. Monitor

6.2. Computer Case

6.3. Keyboard

6.4. Mouse

6.5. Printer

6.6. Scanner

6.7. Modem

7. Hardware and software

7.1. Hardware

7.1.1. Microprocessor

7.1.2. Memory

7.1.3. Storage

7.1.4. Input Device / display

7.2. Software

7.2.1. Operating System Software Window 95 , Windows 98 and Linux , Dos

7.2.2. Application Software Excel , Photoshop and Oracle

8. Internal components.

8.1. Motherboard

8.2. CPU-Central Processing Unit

8.3. RAM - Random Access Memory

8.4. ROM-Read Only Memory

8.5. CD-ROM Drive

8.6. Drive Bay

8.7. Floppy Drive

8.8. Hard Drive

8.9. Power Supply

8.10. Expansion Card

8.11. Expansion Slot