Static Electricity
by Dominic Choong
1. Methods of charging
1.1. Rubbing
1.1.1. Examples Plexiglass Rod and wool Van De Graaff generator Amber rubbed with fur
1.2. Induction
1.2.1. Induction is the production of elecric charge on the surface of a conductor under the influence of an electric field
1.2.2. Methods of charging through induction Using two metal spheres and a negetively charged rod Earthing process
2. Electric field
2.1. An electric field is region in which an electric charge experiences a force.
2.2. An electric field line is the path a positive charge would take if it is free to move.
2.3. Electric Field lines are directed radically outward from a positive charge.
2.4. Electric field lines are directed towards a negetive charge
3. Van De Graaff generator
3.1. Charged by running a rubber belt over two electrodes
4. Hazards
4.1. Can cause sparks and fires
5. Natural occurances
5.1. Lightning
6. Type of charges
6.1. Positive
6.2. Negetive
6.3. Neutral
6.3.1. Number of positve charges is equal to number of negetive charges