Static Electricity
by daren kim
1. Hazards
1.1. lightning
1.2. fires
2. Measurement
2.1. SI Units - Coulombs
3. Applications
3.1. Photocopier
3.2. Printer
3.3. car paint
3.4. dust removal
4. Production Of Charges
4.1. Induction
4.1.1. electric charge produced on the surface of the conductor
4.1.2. earthing process
4.2. Rubbing
4.3. Van de Graff machine
5. Laws of Charges
5.1. like charges repel
5.2. opposite charges attract
6. Charges
6.1. positive
6.2. negative
7. Electric Field Lines
7.1. Rules of Drawing
7.1.1. Lines MUST be from positive to negative charges.
7.1.2. No 2 lines can cross
7.1.3. The number of lines drawn is proportional to the magnitude of the charge