Classroom Management

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Classroom Management by Mind Map: Classroom Management

1. Netiquette

1.1. Issue: Online misbehaviour using inappropriate language or approaches

1.2. Resources:

1.3. Support: eLearning support staff and Admin

1.4. Preventative measures: Acceptable Use Policy agreed to upfront helps but needs to be referred to often

1.5. Possible solutions: Personal behaviour contract if needed. Contact parents and Admin

2. Cyberbullying

2.1. Issue: Students bullying each other online

2.2. Resources:

2.3. Support: eLearning support staff and Admin, lessons from CSM

2.4. Preventative measures: Acceptable Use Policy agreed to upfront helps but needs to be referred to often. Personal behaviour contracts

2.5. Possible solutions: Personal behaviour contract if needed. Contact parents and Admin

3. Attendance

3.1. Issue: Students not logging in and attending online sessions

3.2. Resources: Teacher Dashboard that allows to track students on LMS

3.3. Support: Attendance Policy and review of expectations on this issue

3.4. Preventative measures: Have all students complete a lesson on the importance of attendance and measure their understanding of such

3.5. Possible solutions: Personal behaviour contract, involve school admin and parents if needed

4. Completion of Assignments

4.1. Issue: Assignments don't get completed or are late

4.2. Resources: Lesson on Time Management provided up front and the importance of discussing issues with instructor if more time is needed

4.3. Support: School support partners, parents and counselling

4.4. Preventative measures: Have students complete Lesson upfront and respond in a way that their understanding can be measured

4.5. Possible solutions: Discuss up front with student and reasons as to why this is happening as well as with admin and parents if needed

5. Discipline

5.1. Issue: Complex since there is no face to face opportunity except on video chat which may not be as effective

5.2. Resources: Relative Board policies

5.3. Support: eLearning support staff, Admin and parents

5.4. Preventative measures: Acceptable Use Policy agreed to upfront helps but needs to be referred to often. Personal behaviour contracts

5.5. Possible solutions: Personal behaviour contract if needed. Contact parents and Admin

6. Management of documents

6.1. Issue: Keeping files organised within the LMS

6.2. Resources: Find the video tutorials for the specific LMS used in the course.

6.3. Support: Ask for help. There are many good teachers willing to support you

6.4. Preventative measures: Detailed information upfront is key to success here

6.5. Possible solutions: Use GAFE as your LMS and install teacher dashboard

7. Safety on the Internet

7.1. Issue: Students do not take this topic seriously until there is a problem.

7.2. Resources:

7.3. Support: Using the lesson plans from CSM have students complete related activities

7.4. Preventative measures: A Safe Internet User Agreement is signed prior to course

7.5. Possible solutions: Students discuss and present on the topic using resources provided

8. Plagiarism/Copyright

8.1. Issue: Improper use of other peoples work is appearing in submissions

8.2. Resources:

8.3. Support: Guidance on how to reference, when and why

8.4. Preventative measures: Students complete a lesson upfront in order to understand the issue and thier understanding is measured

8.5. Possible solutions: Discuss with student and offer alternative software to help

9. Group Work

9.1. Issue: Students do not take this topic seriously and dont show up for group work

9.2. Resources: Create a video on the importance of this process for online courses

9.3. Support: Using the lesson have students complete related activities and involve other staff when necessary

9.4. Preventative measures: Discuss the importance upfront, allow students to choose their own groups

9.5. Possible solutions: Use software that allows for various types of group work. Discuss with students