The Independent Professor

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The Independent Professor by Mind Map: The Independent Professor

1. Discussions & Collaboration: How can I create engaging discussions with technology?

1.1. Research

1.2. clickers

1.3. Blog

1.4. Wiki

1.5. Courseworks

1.6. Sakai

1.7. Voicethread

2. Presentations: How can I use technology to present my materials?

2.1. Beyond PPT

2.2. Google Docs

2.3. Prezi

2.4. Voicethread

3. File Management: How can I organize my files more efficiently?

3.1. Copyright

3.2. Sakai

3.3. Courseworks

3.4. Dropbox

3.5. iTunes U

3.6. Google Docs

4. Assignments: How can I create and evaluate assignments online?

4.1. Research

4.2. delicious/rss

4.3. Courseworks

4.4. Sakai

4.5. Wiki

4.6. Blog

4.7. Google Docs

4.8. Assessment

4.9. Evaluation

5. Course Framework: How can I use an LMS more effectively?

5.1. Research

5.2. Google Sites

5.3. Wiki

5.4. Blog

5.5. Courseworks

5.6. Sakai

6. Digital Media: How can I create and distribute media?

6.1. flickr

6.2. Splashup

6.3. HandeBrake

6.4. YouTube

6.5. QuickTime

6.6. iMovie

6.7. TubeChop