Notes on a Theory of Community Radio

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Notes on a Theory of Community Radio by Mind Map: Notes on a Theory of Community Radio

1. Allegheny Mountain Radio

1.1. Articulated with the social, cultural and geographic demensions of this remote region

1.2. Organized to provide a broadcast service where none had existed before

1.2.1. "an expression of the felt need of a community to use broadcasting for purposes of community communication"

1.3. Consists of a network of area community providers

1.3.1. Considered "first service providers" in their communities There are no commercial or public radio stations serving the Highland and Bath Counties of Virginia and or the Pocahontas County of West Virginia

2. WFHB, Bloomington, IN

2.1. January 1993, first community radio in Bloomington

2.1.1. "Indicative of of the political economy of radio broadcasting in the US"

2.2. Noncommercial and participatory community broadcast service

2.2.1. radio enthusiasts, area artists, musicians, recording engineers, members of local business community

2.2.2. listener supported and volunteer run

2.3. An opportunity to cultivate the local music scene and provide an alternative to commercial and public radio

2.3.1. provided a "sound alternative" to existing public radio services

2.4. "Articulated a vision of community radio that would appeal to various stakeholders whose cultural tastes and political orientations were quite distinct"

3. Allston-Brighton Free Radio

3.1. Addresses those with radio access and those who are rarely ever heard on radio

3.2. Sought to "reclaim the airwaves" through direct action and other forms of electronic civil disobedience

3.2.1. FCC forced it off the air after a few months

3.2.2. Founder decided to take it to an am band

3.2.3. Conducted public information campaigns, media-literacy programs and continued to work with local residents

3.3. Operated "in plain sight" of federal regulators

3.4. Was instrumental in helping recent immigrant make a home in their newly adopted land

3.4.1. Produced in Spanish, Portugese and Haitian Creole

3.4.2. Articulated a sense of community within and between various ethnic groups

3.4.3. Featured news, cultural and public affairs programs

4. Articulation

4.1. Speaking or enunciating (common US definition), Combining or joining separate elements (common UK definition)

4.1.1. "...not just a thing (connection)...but a process of creating connections"

4.1.2. Suggests that the connections, linkages, or alliances within any social formation are neither natural or evitable

4.1.3. Highlights the dynamic and contigent character of any articulated relationships

4.2. Creates a sense of shared identity and collective solidarity between groups

4.2.1. Differentiates one community from another, "unity in difference"

5. Community Radio Summary

5.1. Provides "the symbolic raw materials" for community building and maintenance.

5.2. Constructs a shared experience and a collective sense of identity

5.3. "Institutional and technological arrangemnets of broadcasting are rearticulated to suit the particular and distinctive needs of local communities"

5.3.1. Highlights people's ability to alter and rearrange existing media structures to better suit their needs