Why? "We want our projects to bring wider benefits to the areas where we operate"

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Why? "We want our projects to bring wider benefits to the areas where we operate" by Mind Map: Why? "We want our projects to bring wider benefits to the areas where we operate"

1. Stakeholders

1.1. Client

1.2. Local Community

1.3. NGO

1.4. OESO / NCP

1.5. Atradius

1.6. Consultant

1.7. Employees

1.8. Shareholder

1.9. Supplier

1.10. Subcontractor

1.11. ...

2. Guidelines

2.1. OESO

2.2. MVO-Nederland

2.3. EIA

2.4. UN Guiding Principles on Business & Human Rights

2.5. IFC Performance Standards and Guidelines

2.6. ...

3. What's in it for the Stakeholders?

3.1. Transparacy

3.2. Engagement

3.3. Creating new value

3.4. Protecting Existing value

4. What's in it for us?

4.1. Positive

4.1.1. Improved financing position

4.1.2. Improved position Governmental funded projects

4.1.3. Conflict resolution

4.1.4. Reputation management

4.1.5. Trust

4.1.6. Early involvement

4.1.7. Support / Goodwill

4.1.8. Distinctiveness

4.1.9. License to Operate

4.1.10. Commercial opportunities

4.1.11. Control Risk

4.1.12. Attractiveness towards (new) employees

4.2. Negative

4.2.1. Long proces

4.2.2. Costs

4.2.3. Resources

5. Focus points

5.1. Value chain responsibility

5.2. Human Rights

5.3. Child labor

5.4. Environment

5.5. Information / communication

5.6. Anti-trust

5.7. Corruption