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Earphone Holders by Mind Map: Earphone Holders

1. Aesthetics

1.1. come in different colours

1.1.1. red

1.1.2. orange

1.1.3. yellow

1.1.4. green

1.1.5. blue

1.1.6. purple

1.1.7. pink

1.1.8. grey

1.1.9. black

1.2. shaped like a pig's face

1.2.1. nostrils where earphones can be placed

1.2.2. cord can be wrapped around the snout

1.3. shaped like a bird's face

2. Materials

2.1. cardboard

2.2. plastic

3. Audience

3.1. all ages

4. Themes

4.1. rainbow

4.2. animals

4.3. nature

4.4. food