1. write something with the word - scientificate
2. giving book
2.1. 10p title
2.2. need to do duotone covers
2.3. list of books
2.3.1. Untitled
2.3.2. Morgan, Thomas Hunt. A Critique of the Theory of Evolution. 1916
2.3.3. Montessori, Maria. The Montessori Method. 1912
2.3.4. Kafka, Franz. The Trial. 1925
2.3.5. Heidegger, Martin. Being and Time. 1962, English Translation
2.3.6. Greenberg, Clement. Art and Culture: Critical Essays. 1961
2.3.7. Friedan, Betty. The Feminine Mystique. 1963
2.3.8. 1950 Ludwig Wittgenstein Philosophical Investigations.
2.3.9. can be organized by different thigns
2.3.10. # Edward Gibbon The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. 1776-87
2.3.11. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels The Manifesto of the Communist Party. 1848
2.3.12. en.wikisource.org > Wiki > The Kingdom of God is Within You
2.3.13. en.wikisource.org > Wiki > Symposium (Plato)
2.3.14. en.wikisource.org > Wiki > Walden
2.3.15. en.wikisource.org > Wiki > Politics (Aristotle)
2.3.16. en.wikisource.org > Wiki > Beyond Good and Evil
2.3.17. en.wikisource.org > Wiki > Metamorphosis
2.3.18. en.wikisource.org > Wiki > Metamorphoses
2.3.19. en.wikisource.org > Wiki > Ajax
2.3.20. brainwashed.com > H3o > Chanson dada > Seven Dada Manifestos
2.3.21. dwalin.ru > Books > Orwell, George > 1984
3. 4'33" book
4. web site
4.1. the color to use is ikb
4.2. 2/3 used
4.3. gradiant background
4.4. make an identity that is a script that is always changing
5. Gallary in an ally
5.1. show of famous work
5.2. show of mine and kelly's work
6. phone things
6.1. i love minneapolis and minneapolis loves me
6.2. the spy who loved me
7. photo projects
7.1. mary and jesus (mother and son)
7.2. yellow india
8. make wall paper out of 1000 platous or any deluze book
9. 50 artist statements by others
10. wikipedia cv (try to make it and keep it up)
11. project where i give all of my earthly possesions for the paintings i did in australia.
12. reading as creative act
12.1. marx
12.2. baudrillard
12.3. foucault
12.4. derrida
13. life projects
13.1. cover bands
13.2. forturne cookies
13.3. list of bukouski poem
13.3.1. paper boat need magazines poly (for water proof)
13.3.2. shoes blue
13.4. 24 projects in 24 hours
14. civil design
14.1. address design
14.2. free phone
15. fake
15.1. school
15.2. gallary
15.3. counterfeit letters and the like do some bills and tickets if you can and try to use them or get a mass of people to use them
16. list
16.1. biography
16.2. mcsweenys
17. a4
17.1. installations instructions
17.1.1. newspaper
17.2. claimed events
17.2.1. kissing infront of cctv
17.3. manifestos
18. infront of
18.1. bruce naumen (walking in a square)
18.2. tom freedman (1000 hours)
19. posters
19.1. success
19.1.1. failure is an option
19.1.2. do your worst
19.2. stop living poster
19.3. electric cars
19.4. zine
19.5. botteled water
19.5.1. solutions
19.6. weat past
19.6.1. free money
19.6.2. scream poster