Static Electricity by Joseph Lum class 4Science3

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Static Electricity by Joseph Lum class 4Science3 by Mind Map: Static Electricity by Joseph Lum class 4Science3

1. Uses

1.1. Electrostatic precipator

1.2. Electrostatic paintspray

1.3. Photocopier

1.4. Printing process

1.5. Laser printer

2. Formation

2.1. Charging

2.1.1. Rubbing Rubbing causes charging of object. The transfer of electrons from one object to another, charging the object.

2.1.2. Induction Makes use of Earth natural resources to make positive and negative atmosphere without use of another object.

3. Consists of

3.1. S.I Unit

3.1.1. Coulomb (C)

3.2. Positve

3.3. Negative

3.4. Laws of electrostatic attraction

3.4.1. Like charges repel

3.4.2. Unlike charges attract

4. Electric field

4.1. Electric field lines

4.1.1. Path of positive charge when free to move

4.2. Rule

4.2.1. No two field lines can cross each other

4.3. Definition

4.3.1. A region in which an electric charge experiences a force.