The Titanic Voyage

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The Titanic Voyage by Mind Map: The Titanic Voyage

1. Passengers

1.1. There were 2,223 people aboard Titanic for her maiden voyage, 1,324 passengers and 908 crew.

1.1.1. 500,000,000 was the estimated, combined wealth of the First Class passengers. 3,547 - the maximum capacity of the RMS Titanic when fully loaded with passengers and crew.

2. Titanic Launch

2.1. The voyage is considered to have begun in Southampton.

2.1.1. May 31, 1911-the date on which the Titanic was launched into the Victoria Channel in Belfast Lough from a slipway at the Queen's Yard of the Harland & Wolff shipyard.

3. Tragedy

3.1. In an interview with the Chicago American newspaper Dahl criticised the speed at which Titanic had been travelling through the icefield,

3.1.1. 11:39 pm  the time at which the iceberg Titanic struck was first spotted, too late to avoid a collision