Nurturing Fathers Program: Developing Attitudes and Skills for Male Nurturance

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Nurturing Fathers Program: Developing Attitudes and Skills for Male Nurturance by Mind Map: Nurturing Fathers Program: Developing Attitudes and Skills for Male Nurturance

1. The group leaders will use components of Critical Issues to Discuss with Dads to supplement some of the material we will review.

1.1. Brown, C. (2014). Critical Issues to Discuss with Dads, A Guide for Practitioners and Staff to Use in Presentations, Home Visits, or Meetings with Dads'. National Fatherhood Initiative, Germantown, MD.

2. Intake & Assessment

2.1. As people call that are interested in the next round of classes, they are placed on the waitlist with contact numbers.

2.2. The Fathers meet with me before the class to complete and intake and are oriented to the expectations arounds attendance and participation.  This time also serves as a assessment meeting to determine individual needs and goals for what they want to get out of the parenting class.  This is an important standard in FamilY Life Education.

2.3. Fathers will be encouraged to look at the introductory video clearly describing the class that can be found on You Tube.

2.4. Fathers will also be oriented to the Nurturing Fathers Program Website so they explore some of the resources available for them to use.  This will be covered in class but they can at least read the biographies of the class readers and see supporting documentation about credentials in leading the class.

2.5. Fathers are provided with brochures for the program to provide to the referral source, court or attorneys to make sure that any legal questions about

3. Course Topics

3.1. The Roots of Fathering

3.1.1. In the first class fathers will complete the pre test (survey) using the AAPI 2.  This is the standard that is used to measure the effectiveness of the program and to give it an evidence base.  Fathers will also sign the Media Release, The Media Release is completely voluntary and no one has to sign it to participate in the program.  The media release is fully explained and reviewed for anyone that may have trouble understanding the wording so that they are aware of what they are making an allowance for.  Fathers also sign the confidentiality agreement.

3.2. Self Nurturing Skills I: Fathering :The Little Boy Within"

3.2.1. One of the first videos we watch to discuss is the 2015 Toyota Camry Super Bowl Commercial, How To Be a Dad.

3.2.2. Dad's will also be asked to go home and watch a video Story Book that I made about my perspective in seeing fathering.  They will bring 2 or 3 pictures from Google Pictures to help them tell their own "story" about there perspective on fathering and will post to the Nurturing Fathers Program of Schenectady Face Book site or will bring and discuss at the beginning of the next class.

3.3. Self Nurturing Skills II: The Power to Meet My Needs

3.4. The World of Feelings and Male Nurturance

3.5. The Power to Nurture: Fathering Without Violence or Fear

3.5.1. This session utilizes an introduction to Daniel Hughes who will be referred to throughout the classes in regard to the "Shame Experience".

3.6. Overcoming Barriers to Nurturing Fathering: Anger, Alcohol and Stress

3.6.1. We will look at the importance of Mindfulness in tonights session to avoid harmful ways of managing stress.

3.7. Discipline and Fun & Games

3.8. Nurturing Relationships I: Fathering Sons/Fathering Daughters

3.8.1. Tonights video stresses the importance of understanding the role parents play in "modeling".

3.9. A Time and a Place for Fathering

3.10. Graduation Ceremony and Closing Activity

3.11. Playshop: Fun and Games for Fathers and Their Children

3.12. Healing the Father Wound

4. Required Text and Resources

4.1. Access to a mobile device that can be used to access the internet is referred but not required.  Fathers will have the option to connect with a group leader outside of class if they need help with using the internet.  The public library is also a place where those in a fathering role can access the internet.

5. Method of Learning

5.1. Active Discussions in class

5.2. Small group work

5.3. Homework Assignments preparing for the next session

5.4. Guided Meditation

5.5. Role Plays

6. Course Objectives

6.1. Reasonable Expectations of Children

6.2. Increased Sense of Parental Empathy Toward Children's Needs

6.3. Improved Understanding of Parent/Child Family Roles

6.4. Decrease in the Use of Corporeal Punishment

6.5. Better Understanding of Children's Power and Independence

7. Discharge Summary Requirements

7.1. Fathers complete the post test AAPI Survey and this is entered into a database that compares to the pre-test measures in the first class.

7.2. Completed and signed Attendance Sheet

7.3. Leader/Class satisfaction Survey

8. More Resources for Fathers and Professionals