Canada Learning Bond:  How Would You Spread the Word?

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Canada Learning Bond:  How Would You Spread the Word? by Mind Map: Canada Learning Bond:  How Would You Spread the Word?

1. Indigenous Communities:

1.1. Conduct a public relations campaign with band leaders and connect with aboriginal organizations. They will be able to connect with parents in a way that financial services people cannot.

2. Low Income Families

2.1. Have information sent home with the papers on the first day of school. Make sure information is available at the school front desk. I think that it should be available at government funded daycares. I am assuming that the government prints information for use. Maybe I am wrong. Catherine H.

2.2. I agree with Catherine. Low Income Families are also more likely to use social services, so providing those organizations with information and encouragement might also help.

3. Urban Low Income Families

3.1. Include an easy-to-read handout as part of children's information packets on the first day of school. Include information on where to go to set one up. (Kira)

3.2. Write to my city counsel and ask if they are aware of the program and whether they are aware that there is potentially millions of dollars that families in his community are not receiving to save for their children's education and challenge him/her to do something about it.