Damien Hirst

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Damien Hirst by Mind Map: Damien Hirst

1. My big boss-someone to approve of and work with on events.

2. Social Connections-to everyone else in the Associated Students-the guy to go too when you don't know who to go to

3. Director of the Fine Arts Departments-Could talk to about shows and coordinating exhibitions.

4. Julia Sapin

5. Casey Hayden

6. Creative: Uses his artwork to make statements not only about society but the art world itself. I.E.'The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living'

7. Intellectual: Studied Fine art at Goldsmith's: University of London, nominated for a Turner Prize, work originally funded by Charles Sattchi.

8. Social: Charles Sattchi, showed at Venice Biennale, Cohen (from the MET), Gagosian, also collector of several artists and painters.

9. Doer: Did not get the best grades in school, or had best social skills, but the man in determined. Maybe his extreme confidence in his work is what made him so incredibly prominent.