Magazine front cover ideas

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Magazine front cover ideas by Mind Map: Magazine front cover ideas

1. Puff

1.1. It will be circle shape and yellowly color that stick near the right side of the front cover.

1.2. It will send a message "IGCSE and A level tutor. call 08xxxxxxxxxxxxx"

2. Banner

2.1. Your favourite magazine right now. Release every 6 and 7 of every month. DON"T MISS IT

3. Cover lines

3.1. It will gives a fact about IGCSE results and who got the highest mark overall in Thailand.

3.2. An interview of a student who got the best overall IGCSE results that how she is studying.

3.3. A new fashion of student that how to tie a tie in a new style.

3.4. Do you  study in a right way?

3.5. ISB,most expensive school?

4. Barcode, issue date and month

4.1. 6 of january 2017

5. Headline

5.1. My headline will name "Traill Magazine"

6. Main image

6.1. The model will be a nerdy boy reading a book in the library.

7. Splash

7.1. Quote, "Do you have problem passing exam?"