Props Ideas

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Props Ideas by Mind Map: Props Ideas

1. Prop 1: Diary

1.1. As we have no budget Sema will provide a diary or notebook that she already has.

1.2. As our main character suffers with a psychological disorder she uses her diary to note down all of her feelings and the voices she hears in her head.

1.3. In the Title Sequence it will be used to hint that our main character can't express herself and she needs a way to get our her feelings.

2. Prop 2: Pen

2.1. We all have pens so the pen will be easy to get as we all have them.

2.2. The pen will be used in our title sequence as she uses the pen to write down all her thoughts, feelings and everything the voices say in her head.

2.2.1. Materials

2.2.2. Personel

2.2.3. Services

2.2.4. Duration

3. Prop 3: House Keys

3.1. As we are filming in Tashaii's houses she will have the keys to open the front door for her house.

3.1.1. Dependencies

3.1.2. Milestones

3.2. The keys will be used in the beginning of our title sequence when our main character is frantically trying to get into the house.

3.2.1. Schedule

3.2.2. Budget