Evaluating community informatics (C I) for development of local democracy

Community media spring semester

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Evaluating community informatics (C I) for development of local democracy by Mind Map: Evaluating community informatics   (C I) for development of local democracy

1. Geographical orientation

1.1. Examines a wide range of ITC (information and communication technology) activities and aplications.

1.2. By local community groups

1.3. For meeting their social, cultural,economic and political goals.

1.4. Extends and enhaces the work of traditional community media

1.4.1. Such as local community magazine

2. CI's limiting factors

2.1. Potential for disseminating relevant or irrelevant information

2.2. Potential to reinforce forms of social exclusion

2.3. Concerns of political bias

2.4. Patterns of E-mail posting

2.4.1. E-mail reading

2.5. Setting agenda based on the concern of the members themselves.

3. Example CI initiative: Moseley Egroup

3.1. Located at:

3.1.1. Moseley, a suburb of Birmingham, UK

3.2. Based in:

3.2.1. Use of the Internet Disseminate community information more broadly Generate involvement in local decision making Create more diverse debate over local affairs Using Yahoo Egroup system Standardized Web site package hosted from Yahoo server

3.3. Included:

3.3.1. Members of the police and local councilors

3.3.2. Editor of the B13 magazine

3.3.3. Members of the forum and Moseley Society

3.4. Provided:

3.4.1. New space for deliberation over local affairs Several email exchanges Debate over community services Community events Use of the village green

3.5. Aspects of the egroup that limited their goals

3.5.1. Membership of the egroup is highly unrepresentative of the community 130 - 360 members

3.5.2. Reference to a middle class, middle age liberals Rather than reflecting growing ethnic and socioeconomic diversity

3.5.3. Patterns of E-mail posting accentuated by reading paterns

4. Goals

4.1. Development of strong local democracy

4.2. Notions of the public sphere

4.2.1. INS to insert (Windows)

4.2.2. TAB to insert (Mac OS)

4.2.3. ENTER to add siblings

4.2.4. DEL to delete

4.2.5. All key shortcuts

4.3. Develop citizen participation in local decision making

4.3.1. Reintegrating into society those who have been traditionally set aside of it.

4.3.2. Creating means for local communication Provide better access to information and lower cost publishing Generation of local political knowledge New forms of local deliberation

5. Origins

5.1. Preexisting disciplines: Computer science Management Sociology Education Development studies Social policy studies