My Personal Learning Network

This mind map was created to show what channels I use for personal and professional knowledge.

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My Personal Learning Network by Mind Map: My Personal Learning Network

1. Push Information

1.1. Delicious

1.2. SlideShare

1.3. Wikipedia

1.4. YouTube

1.5. iTunesUniversity

1.6. Diigo

2. Formal Education Institutions

2.1. GMU

2.1.1. Library

2.1.2. e-mail

2.2. NOVA

2.2.1. Websites

3. Informal Learning


3.2. ASTD

3.3. Adobe Help & Webinars

3.4. YouTube

3.5. Blogs

3.6. Listserv

4. Google

5. Libraries

5.1. Fairfax

5.2. GMU

5.3. Fairfax

6. Communicate w/others

6.1. e-mail

6.2. Facebook

6.3. Twitter

6.4. Flickr

6.5. LinkedIn

6.6. UUCA site

6.7. Skype

7. Netflix

8. Amazon