Writing an Introduction

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Writing an Introduction by Mind Map: Writing an Introduction

1. Essential

1.1. What is the topic?

1.2. Who cares about this topic and why?

1.3. What type of investigation?

1.3.1. to predict?

1.3.2. to find a relationship?

1.3.3. to find groups?

1.4. Where is the data from?

1.5. When was the data collected?

1.6. What two varirables will you investigate? (give units)

1.7. What is the relationship between ....... and .......?

2. Optional

2.1. Definition of terms

2.2. Why the variables were chosen

2.3. What axis you will put each variable on

2.4. How the data was collected?

2.5. Explain the context if unfamilar