Product and Inventory Data Services

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Product and Inventory Data Services by Mind Map: Product and Inventory Data Services

1. Inventory DB

1.1. RDS (Relational DB) (dev, int and prod)

1.1.1. Database creation

1.1.2. Physical Data Model (Relational) deployed

1.2. DynamoDB (No-SQL DB) (dev, int and prod)

1.2.1. Table defined

1.3. Integration (Retek > Inventory DB)

1.3.1. Retek outbound file job to include non-omni items

1.3.2. DataStage Job (Flatfile > S3) - daily & 15 minutes

1.3.3. Lambda (S3 > RDS)

1.3.4. Lambda (RDS > DynamoDB)

1.4. Integration (OMS > Inventory DB)

1.4.1. OMS Outbound changes to facilitate delta feed RTAM PoC RTAM Changes in DEV RTAM Changes in Prod Move Passive DB off onto its own VM

1.4.2. DataStage Job ( ? > S3) - daily & 15 minutes

1.4.3. Lambda (S3 > RDS)

1.4.4. Lambda (RDS > DynamoDB)

2. Data Model

2.1. Logical Data Model

2.2. Physical Data Model (Relational)

2.3. Physical Data Model (JSON)

3. AWS Base Set Up

3.1. Network

3.1.1. VPC set up

3.1.2. Subnet setup

3.1.3. Security

3.2. CI/CD

3.3. Infrasctucture

3.3.1. Cloud Formation

3.4. S3

3.5. RDS Instance set up

4. Outbound Integration

4.1. Google Local Inventory Feed

4.1.1. Local Product Feed Lambda (scheduler based) - RDS > S3 DataStage (S3 > GIS) GIS Set up

4.1.2. Local Inventory Feed Lambda (scheduler based) - RDS > S3 DataStage (S3 > GIS) GIS Set up

4.2. eBay Click & Collect (BP Sell Anywhere)

4.2.1. Lambda (scheduler based ) - RDS > S3

4.2.2. Data Stage (S3 > GIS)

5. Product DB

5.1. RDS (Relational DB) (dev, int and prod)

5.1.1. Database creation

5.1.2. Physical Data Model (Relational) deployed

5.2. DynamoDB (No-SQL DB) (dev, int and prod)

5.2.1. Table defined

5.3. Integration (Retek > Product DB)

5.3.1. Retek outbound file job to include non-omni items

5.3.2. DataStage Job (Flatfile > S3) - daily & 15 minutes

5.3.3. Lambda (S3 > RDS)

5.3.4. Lambda (RDS > DynamoDB)

5.4. Integration (WCS > Product DB)

5.4.1. DataStage Job ( WCS > S3) - daily & 15 minutes

5.4.2. Lambda (S3 > RDS)

5.4.3. Lambda (RDS > DynamoDB)

6. Store based pricing

6.1. Plan A

6.1.1. Pricing Engine to extract store based pricing into S3

6.2. Plan B

6.2.1. Use in-store price for one store (e.g. Melbourne)

6.3. Plan C

6.3.1. Use WCS (online) pricing