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Retail af Mind Map: Retail

1. Assessment (How is their learning assessed?) - Summative test all four English skills (reading, writing, listening, speaking) - Market-day (kerntaken verkoopspecialist)

2. Time (When are they learning?) - 3 hours per week in class - .. at home if they need to do homewrok (depends on if they did not finsih theur task in class)

3. Location (Where are they learning?) - Online - Classroom - At home (homework)

4. Grouping (with whom are they learning?) - Individual - In pairs - In teams - Teacher as coach

5. Content (What are they learning?) Students learn about: - How to prepare and perform a job interview. - How to make a CV. - What marketing is. - What sponsoring is. - What sustainability is. - How to sell a product. -How to create a brochure. -How to write a complaint letter. - How to do a sales pitch.

6. Language qualifications of 'Sales specialist' Indicatief bevindt de beroepsinhoud van de Verkoopspecialist detailhandel zich op het volgende niveau: • Listening skill: level B1 • Reading skill: level B1 • Conversation: level B1 • Speaking: level A2 • Writing: level A2 Language qualifications: De volgende taaltaken zijn benoemd voor de verkoopspecialist detailhandel: • Luisteren: feitelijke informatie over onderwerpen uit het vakgebied begrijpen (bv. tijdens presentaties en bij het gebruik van multimedia) • Lezen: feitelijke teksten over onderwerpen uit het vakgebied grotendeels begrijpen (bv. in correspondentie en rapporten) • Gesprekken voeren: zaken regelen en sociaal contacten onderhouden m.b.t. onderwerpen uit het vakgebied (tijdens werkcontacten, netwerken, telefoneren, etc.) • Spreken: standaardinformatie geven over een bekend onderwerp uit het vakgebied (bv. tijdens presentaties, informeren/adviseren van klant) •Schrijven: met standaardformuleringen aantekeningen maken of formulieren invullen met betrekking tot het vakgebied

6.1. Core qualifications 'Sales specialist' Kerntaak 1 Verzorgt de ontvangst en verwerking van goederen: - Energie besparen. - Samenwerken en overleggen. - Anderen raadplegen en betrekken. - Schriftelijke taalbeheersing MVT. Kerntaak 2 Verkoopt, adviseert en verleent service: - Neemt klachten aan en/of handelt deze af. - Inzicht in klachtenbeleid tonen. - Voert verkoopgesprek. - Adviseert en voert verkoopgesprek. - Mondelinge taalbeheersing MVT. Kerntaak 3 Handelt kassatransacties af en/of leidt deze: - Kansen en mogelijkheden benutten. - ICT-systemen hanteren. - Systematisch werken. Kerntaak 5 Optimaliseert verkoop en assortiment: -Uitbouwen van de commerciële positie van de organisatie (product). - Anderen raadplegen en betrekken.

7. topic 3: (customer) service (SIVER) Core qualification: 2

7.1. Learning objectives Session 1 Responding to a complaint letter: 1. You can understand factual information in the text about complaints. 2. You know the vocabulary in context to responding to a letter. 3. You can communicate through the email in a formal way. Session 2 Promote a product: 1. You can make people enthusiastic about your product. 2. You can recognize ‘the degrees of comparison’ and apply it. 3. You can locate specific information in the text and answer questions about this. 4. You can write a direct mail to promote your own product. Session 3 Phone training: 1. You can understand instructions in a video. 2. You are familiar with the vocabulary in context to communicative needs. 3. You can show in a formal way to greet, transfer and place caller on hold. 4. You can understand the ‘Present perfect’ and apply this. Session 4 Sales pitch: 1. You can understand information in a video and answer questions. 2. You can apply the vocabulary you have been taught in your speaking exercise. 3. You can understand and apply the vocab, which was given in the video. 4. You know how to sell your product to your customer in a formal and creative way.

8. Topic 4: Sustainability (DILARA)

8.1. Learning objectives Session 1 What is sustainability 1. You know what sustainability is. 2. You can tell why it is important to have a sustainable product. 3. You know the definition of topic-related vocabulary 4. You can think of ways on how to make your product more sustainable by using the tips that were given in the (rap) video. 5. You know how to make your product (more) sustainable. Session 2 Sustainable products: 1. You can find specific information in a text. 2. You can find predictable information in a text. 3. You know what adjectives are. 4. You can recognize adjectives. Session 3 Advertisement: 1. You know what adverbs are. 2. You can apply adverbs. 3. You can use adverbs and adjectives to promote your product. 4. You know the difference between formal and informal language. 5. You can write an advertisement in formal/informal language. 6. You can produce simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest

9. Topic 1: Job interview (JULIA)

9.1. Learning objectives: Session 1 Preparing for a job interview: 1. You can prepare yourself for a job interview 2. You can recognize and apply articles 3. You can write advice on job interview tips Session 2 CV: 1. You can understand information about job interviews in use of multimedia 2. You know frequently asked questions in a job interview 3. You know the answers to frequently asked questions in a job interview 4. You can apply vocabulary you have learned 5. You can make a CV Session 3 Application email: 1. You can write an application email 2. You can apply learned vocabulary in product 3. You can sell yourself in an email 4. You can understand content of text about writing application email Session 4 Practicing the job interview: 1. You can have a professional job interview 2. You can recognize and apply past simple

10. topic 2: Marketing (JASMIN) Core qualification:

10.1. Learning objectives Session 1 What is marketing?’ 1. You can find synonyms for complex words related to topic of marketing 2. You can understand factual information about topics within the retail: watch a video about marketing and answer question afterwards (CEFR: B1) 3. You can recognize countable and uncountable nouns. Session 2 What is sponsoring? 1. You can discuss your knowledge of sponsoring with a fellow student. 2. You can understand a text about the retail section: sponsoring (exam CEFR: B1). 3. You can understand difficult concepts of sponsoring. 4. You can apply information of this lesson and create a sponsorship plan for your own product. Session 3 Create a brochure: 1. You can use the grammar topic 'this-that-these-those' in the correct way. 2. You can write a slogan for your own product. 3. You can write correspondence within retail sector, write a brochure of your own product (exam CEFR: A2) Session 4 Presentation about your own product: 1. You can relate the correct image with complex words. 2. You can give information about a topic within the retail sector: presentation about your own product. (CEFR: A2). 3. You can give feedback to your peers about their product presentation with at least one tip and one top.

11. Materials and resources (With what are they learning?) - Authentic materials - Self designed activities - Sthubl - H5P - YouTube videos

12. Teacher role: How is the teacher facilitating their learning? - Online - Teacher as a coach - Scaffolding - Feedback

13. Learning activities (How are they learning?) - Sthubl (online) - Role plays - Individually - Teamwork - Penta Pie - CLIL - TBL - Watching videos - Brainstorming - Active learning - Energizers