30 year old male alcoholic with DUI charge, lost his job.

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30 year old male alcoholic with DUI charge, lost his job. by Mind Map: 30 year old male alcoholic with DUI charge, lost his job.

1. Housing

1.1. Social Housing for low income (Hastings)

1.2. His father Carl is giving him 2 months to get on his feet.

1.3. Other Family/Friends

2. Employment

2.1. Career Edge

2.2. META Employment Services

2.3. Online resources (Job bank, indeed, Monster etc.)

3. Health Care

3.1. Alcoholics Anonymous

3.2. Addictions and Mental Health Services (Hastings & Prince Edward)

3.3. Ontario Addiction Treatment Centre

4. Travel

4.1. Ramsey's retired dad, Carl

4.2. Ramsey's friend, Fletcher

4.3. Belleville Bus Services/Taxi