Teen Pregnancy

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Teen Pregnancy by Mind Map: Teen Pregnancy

1. Educational purposes and Child care-Loyalist College, Belleville ON, 376 Wallbridge-Loyalist Childcare: 613-969-1913 EXT. 2204, contact Kathy Luffman.

2. Financial Support- Ontario Works-Hastings And Community Living-County Administration Builsing, 228 Church St. Bellville ON. 613-771-9630

3. Legal-Community Advocacy & Legal Centre 7 Creswell Dr. Trenton ON, 613-966-8686 Provides free legal services.

4. Counselling- Children's Mental Health Services, 3 Applewood Dr. Sweet 300, Belleville On, 613-966-3100 contact Susan Sweetman.

5. Housing-Community Living Belleville and Area 91 Millennium Parkway, 613-969-7407, contact John Klassen.

6. Prenatal Care & Counselling-Belleville Pregnancy & Family Care Center, 28 Oriole Park Ave. 613-966-7672 offers Counselling and Prenatal Care

7. Day Care- Little Sparks Pre-school, Trenton On, 340 2nd Dug Hill rd. 613-392-3600, Contact Lindsay Trafford.