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Media Fluency by Mind Map: Media Fluency

1. text majority now images majority

1.1. text

1.2. video/images

2. text based world now a visual world

3. 2 parts

3.1. consuming

3.2. producing

4. 2 L's

4.1. Listen

4.2. Leverage

5. Strategies

5.1. Producing

5.1.1. You Tube Videos

5.1.2. Presentations

5.1.3. Podcasts

5.2. Consuming

5.2.1. Near pod

5.2.2. Padlet

5.2.3. Blog

6. images and videos - critical in today's learning

7. Collaboration Fluency

7.1. virtual communication

7.2. effects us every day

7.3. virtual interaction

7.3.1. within school

7.3.2. within town

7.3.3. within country

7.3.4. with world

7.4. 5 E's

7.4.1. Establish

7.4.2. Envision

7.4.3. Engineer

7.4.4. Execute

7.4.5. Examine

7.5. Strategies

7.5.1. Pen Pals

7.5.2. virtual book groups

7.5.3. virtual writing partners

7.5.4. virtual field trips

7.5.5. facetime

8. educational use

8.1. prominent in younger ages

8.2. less educational use in older ages

8.3. parents state science is not learned through media fluency

8.4. parents see benefits of media fluency

9. References

9.1. Crockett, L., Jukes, I., & Churches, A. (2011). Literacy is not enough. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.

9.2. Devaney, L. (2014). How does educational media impact children? Retrieved from

9.3. Global Digital Citizen Foundation. (2015a). Collaboration fluency [Video file]. Retrieved from

9.4. Global Digital Citizen Foundation. (2015e). Media fluency [Video file]. Retrieved from