Revolutions of 1848

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Revolutions of 1848 by Mind Map: Revolutions of 1848

1. German Lands

1.1. News of France reaches German Lands

1.1.1. confederation considers reforms

1.2. Berlin fighting leads to injuries

1.2.1. King supports reform

2. Italian Revolution

2.1. liberal pope elected 1846

2.1.1. liberal views

2.2. allowed progressive policies

2.3. changes affect neighboring leaders

3. France

3.1. Revolution influences Europe

3.1.1. Protests lead to fatalities

3.1.2. Citizens demand reforms

3.2. Crop diseases create economic issues

3.2.1. Unemployment rises

3.2.2. Food prices rise

3.2.3. Fatal typhus fever

4. Habsburg/Austrian Empire

4.1. leader supports constitutional government

4.2. magyar have 12 demands

4.3. Austrian emperor authorizes changes