Takeaways From COMM 101

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Takeaways From COMM 101 by Mind Map: Takeaways From COMM 101

1. "What do you mean by that?"

2. Interdependence

2.1. Communication

2.1.1. Hanjin Shipping Nike

2.1.2. Group Business Plan

3. Creating Shared Value

3.1. Present Companies

3.2. Social Enterprise

3.3. Government Regulation

3.4. Non-Profits

4. Options

4.1. OPLOG

4.1.1. Mahesh

4.2. Finance

4.3. Accounting

4.4. Marketing

4.5. HR

5. Strategy

5.1. "Who own who?"

5.1.1. Twitter and Vine

5.2. Sunk Costs

5.3. Transient Advantage

6. Business is Boundless

6.1. Entrepreneurship

6.1.1. Cathy Han

6.1.2. Monarch Studios

7. What is Success?

7.1. Profits

7.1.1. Apple

7.2. Values

7.2.1. Zappos

7.3. Business Model

7.3.1. Social Enterprise

8. What is Good Business?

8.1. Values

8.1.1. Naked Coconut

8.1.2. CVS and cigarettes

8.2. Ethics

8.2.1. Big Pharma

8.2.2. Fast Fashion

9. Application of Tools

9.1. Blogs

9.1.1. Critical Thinking

9.2. Assignments

9.3. Group Work

9.3.1. Exchange of Ideas

10. Confidence

10.1. Participation

10.2. Attitude

10.2.1. Professionalism

10.3. Lack of Detailed Instruction