Exploring the English language teachers use of English for professional purposes outside the clas...

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Exploring the English language teachers use of English for professional purposes outside the classroom in Russia, China, Indonesia, the US and the UK. by Mind Map: Exploring the English language teachers use of English for professional purposes outside the classroom in Russia, China, Indonesia, the US and the UK.

1. Background

1.1. What is professional communicative competence?

1.1.1. What is professional communicative competence of a language teacher?

1.2. What is needs-oriented language training?

1.3. National standards

2. Literature review

2.1. Existing research

2.1.1. Bachmann (1996)

2.1.2. Elder (2001)

2.1.3. Olivier (2002)

2.1.4. Butler (2004)

2.1.5. Çetinavci & Yavuz (2010)

2.1.6. Llewellyn-Williams (2012)

2.2. The ESP approach

2.2.1. Carver (1983)

2.2.2. Hutchinson, Waters (1987)

2.2.3. Hyland (2009

3. Research design

3.1. Methodology

3.1.1. Questionnaire description Part 1

3.1.2. Questionnaire description Part 1

3.2. Results

3.2.1. Russia

3.2.2. Indonesia

3.2.3. China

3.2.4. UK

3.2.5. USA

3.3. Discussion

3.3.1. Teachers' opinions vary

3.3.2. Top functions Assessing writing Giving feedback Oral Written Developing tests/tasks

3.4. Limitations

3.4.1. Russia Mainly secondary-level teachers

3.4.2. Indonesia & China EF teachers

3.4.3. UK & USA small sample

4. Conclusion

4.1. Clear need to reconsider EFL teachers' professional communicative competence

4.2. Clear need for the course

4.3. The course should be context-specific