The Treatment: Ideas

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The Treatment: Ideas by Mind Map: The Treatment: Ideas

1. Tone+theme

1.1. Takes subject seriously

1.2. Informal laguage

1.3. No slang- well written as it's audience is well educated.

2. Slogan

2.1. 'Britian's best dance music and club culture magazine'

2.2. Feel the beat

2.3. 'Clubbing, culture and non-stop edm'

2.4. Your weekly music breakdown

2.5. Relive the rave

2.6. Where we find the top tracks so you don't have to!

2.7. Straight from the underground

2.8. Feel the beat

2.9. Freedom at it's finest

2.10. Rave it up!

2.11. Love edm, live edm

2.12. No1 Club culture and music magazine

2.13. it's all lights and lazers

3. Price

3.1. £3.50-£4.50

4. Title

4.1. Rebel Sound

4.2. Trance

4.3. LXO

4.4. Rave

4.5. Hypnotix

4.6. Beat

4.7. Underground

4.8. Lectrical

4.9. Riot

4.10. Voltaic Sound

5. Genre

5.1. EDM (Electric Dance Music)

5.2. Focusing on the main sub-genres, such as House and Trap.

6. Audience

6.1. Mainly male- 80% Male, 20% Female

6.2. Students:- 17-24 years old

6.3. Hobbies- Raves, late night partying, listening to EDM and going to festivals.

6.4. Psyological state: The want to succeed in life (They're students, therefore invested in their future), yet they want to escape normality and take risks- they crave freedom.