What Is The Motivation For Change ?

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What Is The Motivation For Change ? by Mind Map: What Is The Motivation For Change ?

1. Pre-Contemplation: At the cost of their addiction people at this stage may be aware. However the benefits did not seem compare to the significance. There are various views and ideas about these situations. Lack of interest in change or having no plan or intention to change is the standard characteristic in this stage. We describe this type of person as being generally unaware.

2. Preparation: Between stages 2 and 3 a decision is made. This decision represents their responsibility to change their behavior. They select techniques for behavioral change through self evaluation. Development of a plan to make needed changes is a main characteristic of this stage. This plan will help to build confidence and will to change, sometimes utilizing a deadline for results. We might describe this person as being open and willing to change and the potential for positive change.

3. Contemplation: When the people have associated with their behavior they have become aware of their problems in the contemplation stage. Unfortunately they struggle with the possibility of change, unsure if the process is worth while. 2 major characteristics of change in this stage are: desiring change but lacking the will and confidence (potential), and having or showing the intent to change at any given time in the future. This person is described as aware and open to change.