RTI Anna Clyde 2.8.11

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RTI Anna Clyde 2.8.11 by Mind Map: RTI Anna Clyde 2.8.11

1. Teacher

1.1. Title and Lap for reading

1.2. Assessment performance number remain strategic and intensive

1.3. Fluency 125

1.4. SRI 543

1.5. easyCBM 61st percentile from 10th percentile

1.6. Receiving small group instruction

1.7. Has moved into a math group during RTI time in 5th grade

1.8. Scored 400 on the reading WASL

1.9. Challenge becomes decoding

1.10. Has had difficulty with expressive language. Saw Amy Fraiser for a short time.

1.11. Level 1 on math MSP

1.12. Confidence with work

1.13. Accomodation

1.13.1. Extra time to complete assessments

1.13.2. Smaller group work

1.13.3. Leveled reading group

1.13.4. Title Support

1.13.5. Math Whizz and Head Sprout

2. Next Steps

2.1. Assess Anna for 504

2.1.1. Joette

3. Introduction

3.1. Anna Clyde

3.2. Concern is she has been receiving services from a young age

3.3. Dyslexic: Considering a 504 plan

3.3.1. New node

3.4. Comes out intensive and strategic

4. Team

4.1. Test for special education

4.2. Test for 504

4.3. Test Anna for special education and 504