Kelsey's Mind Map Vocab Project
by Kelsey Sheeran
1. Population Growth: The growth of a population in an ecosystem.
1.1. The Black Plague: The cause for the largest decrease in population.
1.2. Industrial Revolution: The cause of the exponential growth of the population.
1.3. Eponential Growth: The rapid growth of a population in a slighly short amount of time.
2. Trophic Levels: Levels which show the flow of energy through predators and their prey.
3. Desert: A dry, arid climate where there is barely enough water to keep some plants alive.
3.1. Tundra: An area where there is no tree growth due to low temperatures.
3.2. Grasslands: Areas where there are no wood plants, but only grasses and herbacious plants.
4. Freshwater biome: An area of water with a high salt content.
4.1. Marine Biome: The largest biome that is made up of all types of aquatic biomes.
5. Biodiversity: The diversity of organisms in an ecosystem.
6. Primary Succession: When an ecosystem grows out of almost nothing.
6.1. Ecological Succession: The strutural change in an ecosystem.
6.2. Secondary Succession: When an ecosystem takes root after another ecosystem had been destroyed.
7. Pioneer Species: The first species to move into an area and be the catalyst for a new ecosystem.
7.1. Climax Community: The last community to become a part of the new ecosystem thus ending the succession whether it would be primary or secondary.
8. Limiting Factors: The factors that limit the growth of a population.
8.1. Carrying Capaity: The largest population an ecosystem can hold.
8.2. Population growth rate: The rate at which a population grows in an ecosystem.
9. Biosphere: A layer of soil, water, and air that sustains life.
9.1. Biomes: A region of earth that is inhabited by one kind
9.2. Ecosystems: A group of living organisms that interact with nonliving things.
9.3. Communities: Populations of living organisms that interact with each other in an ecosystem
9.4. Populations: Group of the same species found in one place at one time.
9.5. Organisms: Any form of life.
10. Food Chain: A chain that shows how energy is passed through the trophic levels.
10.1. Food Web: A more detailed version of a food chain that shows more possiblities of where the energy could go.
11. Producer: An organism that can produce its own food.
11.1. Primary Consumer: An organism that consumes producers.
11.2. Secondary Consumer: An organism that consumes primary consumers.
11.3. Tertiary Consumer: An organism that consumes secondary consumers.
12. Rainforest - Forests that are characterized by high rain fall.
12.1. Coniferous forest: A forest that mainly consists of the coniferous type of trees.
12.2. Temperate deciduous forest: A forest that consists of trees whose leaves fall off every year.
13. Biotic Factors: Anything that was living or was once living.
13.1. Abiotic Factors: Anything that is not living and never was living.
14. Hot Spots: Spots all over the earth where there is the most biodiversity.
15. Sustainability: The ability for an ecosystem to sustain a population.
16. Logistic Growth: When a population reaches the carrying capacity and levels off.
17. S - Curve: Shown on a graph when a population reaches it's carrying capacity and levels off making the shape of an s.
17.1. J - curve: When exponential growth is shown on a graph it makes the shape of a j.
18. Water pollution: When harmful chemicals posion a water source.
18.1. Point Source: When there is a specific source for pollution.
18.2. Non - point source: When there isn't a specific source for pollution.
18.3. Aquifer: An underground formation that contains water.