Bovine Spastic Paresis

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Bovine Spastic Paresis by Mind Map: Bovine Spastic Paresis

1. Veterinary Diagnostics:

1.1. Antemortem:

1.1.1. Pathology of this disorder is distinguished as affecting the gastrocnemius muscles.

1.1.2. Many of the symptoms of Bovine Spastic Paresis are similar to that of White Muscle Disease and possibly Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE).

1.1.3. Disorder is heritable, however a genetic etiology has not yet been proven.

1.2. Postmortem:

1.2.1. Histopathological examination of tissues such as spinal cord and tibial nerves show no abnormalities.

2. Symptoms of this disorder can appear in the first 6 months of life, and can gradually continue for years.

3. Visual Observations:

3.1. Animal will appear to be very emaciated and may try to limit time on its feet, often eating while lying down.

3.2. Elevated tail head and arched back

3.3. If both hind limbs are affected, the animal may try to bear weight on its front legs, arching its back.

3.3.1. Eventually, hind limbs become so stiff that animal may walk with short pendulum like steps.

3.4. Gradually contracting gastrocnemius muscles

3.5. Increasingly extended hock and stifle

3.6. Increased appetite without any weight gain