Understanding Assessment

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Understanding Assessment by Mind Map: Understanding Assessment

1. Test takes

1.1. 2. Who am I testing?

1.2. Children-interactive tasks

1.3. Adults- Role plays

1.4. Students university- lectures

2. Test Construct

2.1. 3. What am I testing?

2.2. Comunicative language ability

2.3. Speaking ability

2.4. Pronunciation

2.5. Grammatical Knowledge

3. Purpose

3.1. 4. Why am I testing?

3.2. To check learning

3.3. To diagnose

3.4. To place learners

3.5. To provide a certificate

4. Test task

4.1. 5. How am I testing?

4.2. Grammar-vocabulary-multiple choice

4.3. Reading- test and questions

4.4. Listening- a lecture and questions

4.5. Writing- a short e-mail

4.6. Speaking- face to face interview

5. Mains

5.1. Understand Key assesment concept

5.2. Developing high quality test to support learning

5.3. Evaluate excisting test

6. Importance

6.1. To tell how well they are doing English

6.2. What happen in the classroom

7. Value

7.1. Help students

7.2. Help teachers

8. Purpose

8.1. 1. Why am I testing?

8.2. To check learning

8.3. To diagnose

8.4. To place learneres

8.5. To provide a certificate

9. Scoring Reability

9.1. 6. How am I scoring the test?

9.2. Correct- incorrect

9.3. Using trained teachers

9.4. Using assesment criteria

10. Test Impact

10.1. Authentic tasks

10.2. Include four skills

10.3. Feedback