Allah is the owner of all wealth

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Allah is the owner of all wealth by Mind Map: Allah is the owner of all wealth

1. Islamic studies

1.1. Balancing individual and spiritual needs

1.2. Balancing individual's and society's needs

2. Al-Quran & the sunnah

2.1. E.g., Prophet Yusuf as the Minister of Finance

2.2. Abu Talib's limited financial abilities versus Khadija's financial strengths

2.3. Financial planning in expanding the teaching of Islam after khalifah time, during the golden ages and current Islamic economy

3. Information & Technology (IT)

3.1. Use of Excel

3.2. Statistics and data gathering

3.3. Simulations

4. Mathematics

4.1. Principal

4.2. Interest

4.2.1. Simple

4.2.2. Compound

4.3. Inflation

4.4. Investment

4.5. Loans/Credits

5. Principles of Islamic finance

5.1. Prohibiting usury - what is riba?

5.2. Avoiding speculations - what is gharar?

5.3. Avoiding gambling - maysir and qimar?

5.4. Investing ethically - what are prohibited products and industries?

5.5. Just, responsible and free-market economy