Principles of good E2E test automation framework

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Principles of good E2E test automation framework by Mind Map: Principles of good E2E test automation framework

1. Reliable

1.1. When a test fails, it should mean something inadvertant happened

1.2. Flakiness is the enemy

2. Logging

2.1. Mean time to diagnose

2.2. screenshots/videos/bug reporting

3. Scalable

3.1. Devices

3.1.1. Same set of tests can be run on multiple devices, browser sizes etc

3.2. Parallel

3.2.1. Tests can be run in parallel

4. Readable

4.1. Test name and steps should be highlevel

4.2. Following Arrange/Act/Assert/Cleanup

4.3. Explicit on intent with expected and actual

5. Repeatable

5.1. They can be run from

5.1.1. Local

5.1.2. Build machine

5.1.3. Cloud labs

5.2. Establish that flakiness won't happen

6. Data driven

6.1. No hardcoding

6.1.1. Locators

6.1.2. Strings

6.2. Same tests can run for different

6.2.1. User accounts

6.2.2. Environments OTE Stg Prod

6.2.3. Browsers/devices Chrome Firefox IE devices if using appium

7. Fast feedback

7.1. Whole test suite should run in > 10 mins

8. Transparent

8.1. Failures are notified immediately

8.2. Everybody on the team can look at failures and attempt fixes

9. DRY

9.1. Minimal

9.1.1. Have only few high smoke tests for E2E scenarios

9.2. Right level of abstraction

9.2.1. Knowing what isn't and what is a good test for each kind of test

9.2.2. Shared understanding of Unit tests Functional tests Partial integration tests E2E/Smoke/Integration/UI tests

10. Concrete strategies

10.1. Integrated into build pipelines

10.1.1. PR jobs for code merge

10.1.2. Large daily jobs

10.1.3. Build validation tests

10.2. Same dev repo

10.2.1. Same set of coding standards as dev code

10.2.2. Contirbutions from devs

10.2.3. Re-use helpers and locators

11. Maintainable

11.1. Organized

11.1.1. By Components Time to run Size of the tests Ignored/Flaky

11.2. Flexible

11.2.1. Subsets of the tests can be run individually

11.2.2. Using various data arguments