High altitude wind Power

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High altitude wind Power by Mind Map: High altitude wind Power

1. Off-shore wind power

1.1. Highest wind turbine of Height 220 meters

2. On-shore wind power

3. Government Support

3.1. Reduction in emission of Greenhouse gases

3.1.1. Distributed Generation(DG)

3.2. More investments in development

4. Distribution according to topographical location of region

5. Need of an hour

5.1. Utilization of high speedy winds

5.2. Sustainable development

5.3. Very high Potential

6. Various methods used to harness

6.1. Kitgen technology

6.1.1. Founded in 2007

6.1.2. First prototype tested in 2006

6.2. The Makani Quadcopter

6.3. Airborne Wind

6.3.1. 1. On board Power Generation

6.3.2. 2. Ground Based Power Generation

6.3.3. 3. Airborne Wind Energy for Vehicle Propulsion

6.3.4. 4. Flexible vs. Rigid Wings

6.3.5. 5. Multiple Wing Systems

6.3.6. 6. Lighter than Air Systems The Altaeros Blimp