by ponthip klanghon
1. Flash Memory
1.1. Solid State Drives
1.2. Memory Cards
1.3. USB Flash Drives
1.4. Express Card Modules
2. Putting It All ogether
3. Techlogy Trailbrazers
4. High-Tceh Talk
4.1. Each Other
5. Opical Discs
5.1. CDs
6. Hard Disk
6.1. Characteristics of a Hard Disk
6.2. PAID
6.3. NAS
6.4. External and Removable Hard Disks
6.5. Miniture Hard Disks
6.6. Maintaining Data Stored a Hard Disk
7. Other Types of Storage
7.1. Tape
7.2. Magnetic Stripe Cards and Smart
7.3. Microfilm and Microfiche
7.4. Enterprise Storage
8. Companies on the cutting EDGE
9. Capter Summary
10. Cloud Storage