Introduction computer

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Introduction computer by Mind Map: Introduction computer

1. Computer software

2. advamtage and disadvantage of using computer

2.1. advantage of using computer

2.2. disadvantage of useing computer

3. Categoricsof of computer

4. Personal Computer

4.1. Desktop computer

5. A would of computer

6. Computer cpplications in society

6.1. Educations

6.2. Finance

6.3. Government

6.4. Health cane

6.5. Science

6.6. Publishing

6.7. Travel

6.8. Manufacturing

7. Network the Internet

7.1. The Internet

8. What is a computer

8.1. Dat and Information

8.2. Infotmation Pnocessing Cyde

9. Examples of computer usage

9.1. Home User

9.2. Small office/home office user

9.3. Moblie user

9.4. Power user

9.5. Enterpnise user

9.6. Putting It all together

10. The component of a computer

10.1. Input Devies

10.2. Output Devies

10.3. System Unit

10.4. Stonage Devies

10.5. Communication Devies

11. Moblie Computer and moblie deviaes

11.1. Notebook Computer

11.2. Moblie devices