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Static Electricity por Mind Map: Static Electricity

1. Charge

1.1. Unit

1.1.1. Coulomb (C)

1.2. Types

1.2.1. Positive (+)

1.2.2. Negative (-) 6.24 X 10^18 e = 1C 1.6 X 10^-19 C = 1e

1.3. Law of charges

1.3.1. Like charges repel

1.3.2. Unlike charges attract

2. Charging

2.1. Rubbing

2.1.1. E.g.Amber rod with fur Amber becomes negatively charged Fur becomes positively charged

2.1.2. Charge transfered from object to object

2.2. Induction

2.2.1. Can be repeated many times without loss of charge

2.2.2. Earthing process Electrons taken from the earth and flows to the conductor Electrons are repelled to the earth from the conductor

3. Electric Field

3.1. A region which and electric charge experiences a force

3.2. Electric dipole

3.2.1. Positive Has electric field lines going outwards from the charge

3.2.2. Negative Has electric field lines coming inwards to the charge

3.3. Sketching

3.3.1. Lines begin from positive and end on negative

3.3.2. No two field lines can cross each other

3.3.3. The number of field lines drawn is proportional to the magnitude of charge