Causes of Globalization 3.0

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Causes of Globalization 3.0 by Mind Map: Causes of Globalization 3.0

1. Outsourcing

1.1. Homesourcing

1.1.1. Work that is done at a company is done at home

1.2. Mcsourcing

1.2.1. outsourcing food based jobs

1.3. Call centers

1.3.1. Service centers are overseas to provide help

1.4. Military

1.4.1. flying unmaned aircrafts

2. Uploading

2.1. able to put personal thoghts and media on the internet

2.1.1. youtube video

2.1.2. Facebook/Myspace blog pictures

2.1.3. Twitter status

2.1.4. Photobucket pictures

2.2. able to put knowledge on online encyclopedias

2.2.1. Wikipedia

3. Insourcing

3.1. Companies take on new roles

3.1.1. Fed Ex

3.1.2. UPS

4. Informing

4.1. Able to gain information off the internet

4.2. Google

5. Offshoring

5.1. Nearshoring

5.1.1. Relocating business to a close foreign country

5.2. Rightshoring

5.2.1. Picking the best counrty based on criteria

6. "Steroids"

6.1. Cellphones

6.1.1. taking the world of technology and putting it into the palm of your hand

7. Work Flow Software

7.1. Software can now work with other software

8. Supply-chain

8.1. efficiently distributing goods

8.1.1. Walmart

9. Internet

9.1. email

9.2. websites

9.2.1. Allow to gain info.

9.3. IM

10. Fall of the Berlin wall

10.1. provided cheap labor

10.2. allowed for communication bewteen the east and west