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Globalization 3.0 by Mind Map: Globalization 3.0

1. Outsourcing

1.1. Mcsourcing

1.1.1. Allows people to take orders for food at their house.

1.2. Military

1.2.1. People sit in america and fly UAV's

1.3. Homesourcing

1.3.1. Someone does work such as booking flights for people from their house.

2. Steroids

2.1. Fiber Optics

2.1.1. Allows massive amounts of memory to be sent around in seconds

2.2. Hard Drives

2.2.1. As time progresses hard drive sizes get smaller but the amount of data they can hold gets larger.

3. Insourcing

3.1. UPS

3.1.1. UPS is paid by certain companties to do computer repairs for them.

4. Internet

4.1. Computer Network

4.1.1. People Allows instantaneous communication

4.1.2. Computer Used in big business, for shipping and receiving, used in small homes for fun.

5. Work Flow Software

5.1. Video Communication Programs

5.1.1. Using these programs businesses can video chat with other businesses around the world at real time, which is more efficient than personal meetings.

5.2. E-Mail

5.2.1. Using e-mail websites like Yahoo! and MSN, companies can send e-mails and attach links, word documents and such things for business matters.

6. Offshoring

6.1. Profit

6.1.1. Businesses move entire facilities and services to other countries, because people there will work for less money.

6.2. Performance

6.2.1. The performance isn't necessarialy as good when done for cheaper by other people.

7. Supply Chain

7.1. Company Franchises

7.1.1. Walmart Walmart has many products from around the world that they sell to the world at a low price most other markets can not compete with.

8. Informing

8.1. Search Engines

8.1.1. With the internet at hand, using search engines with information about anything is the most informable source in the world and cyberworld.

9. Uploading

9.1. Social Networks

9.1.1. Using social networks people can upload pictures and information about anything with status updates, blogs, etc.

9.2. Video Sharing Website

9.2.1. Using video sharing websites like youtube people can upload anything they want for all the world to have access to.

10. Fall of the Berlin Wall

10.1. End of Cold War

10.1.1. Expanded trade options in the world, and brought everyone closer together.