OCPS Board of Education Meeting 9/28/2010

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OCPS Board of Education Meeting 9/28/2010 por Mind Map: OCPS Board of Education Meeting 9/28/2010

1. Board Agenda (MC)

1.1. Moment of Silence - (MC)

1.2. Pledge of Allegiance (MC)

1.3. Board Recognition (MC)

1.3.1. Board recognized principal and staff of the Avalon elementary school (MC) Principal Pamela Sanders and Avalon elementary school were named a National Blue Ribbon School – commended by Secretary of Ed Arnie Duncan M. Darly Flyn, Vicechairman of Board commented "The pace of the pack is determined by the pace of the leader"

1.4. Member comments(MC)

1.5. Agenda Consent Items (MC)

1.6. Non-consent items (MC)

1.7. Report of the Attorney(MC)

2. Issues -Cost of new smart boards

3. Board of Education members (MC)

3.1. Mrs. Cadel - Board chair (MC)

3.2. Ms. Robinson (MC)

3.3. Mr. Roach (MC)

3.4. Ms. Bell (MC)

3.5. Ms. Gordon (MC)

3.6. Ms. Moore (MC)

3.7. Ms. Flynn (MC)

3.8. Mr. Blocker - the Superintendent (MC)

4. Others Present

4.1. School Attorney (MC)

4.2. Principal and Staff of Avalon Elementary were present at the beginning (MC)

4.3. Financial Advisor (MC)